Fair Sweep Farm
Katelyn and Mary Gnegy sell fresh produce, jams & jellies, free-range eggs, and more at the Mountain Fresh Farmers Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays in Oakland.
We also offer beautiful cut flower bouquets, including sunflowers. Our produce offerings include asparagus, salad lsettuces, beans (green, yellow, purple & shell), tomatoes, plus a wide variety of other produce, herbs (basil, cilantro) and blueberries too. In the fall we have pumpkins and a large variety of gourds. We offer on farm sales. Please call ahead to order. 223 N. Le Moyne King Road, Oakland, MD 21550 301-334-8397 |
We're located approximately 5 miles from Loch Lynn Heights on N. LeMoyne King Road. Take White Church Road off Rt. 560 (Gorman Road). Go one mile then turn right. (click map below to find us)