“Advancing Sustainable Wood Energy in Maryland”
2013 Maryland Wood Energy Conference
Sponsored by Maryland Wood Energy Coalition
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
8:30 am – 4 pm
Sheraton Annapolis Hotel, 173 Jennifer Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Cost: $45 per person
Approved for 4.5 Category 1 Society of American Foresters CFE Credits
Hosted by the Maryland Wood Energy Coalition, a diverse group of state agencies, non-profits, and private businesses committed to advancing the responsible use of Maryland’s vast supply of woody biomass for clean, affordable energy production. The Coalition hosted the first Maryland wood energy conference last November. Audio presentations of last year’s conference and a research-based document “The Prospectus for Advancing Biomass Thermal Energy in Maryland,” are available at www.agroecol.umd.edu.
This year’s conference will build on the momentum of last year’s successes. This includes new regulations that makes using wood as fuel in boilers to heat commercial and institutional buildings legal, paving the way for the growth of the wood energy industry. Examples of real-life projects, applications, and opportunities are provided. This event will address new incentives that will establish Maryland as a leader in wood heat policy and address new federal legislation. Speakers will address new advances in residential wood heat and improvements in the wood stove grant program. How to broaden the coalition of stakeholders and get on the ground projects initiated that will grow the wood energy industry will be discussed. The event will obtain feedback from government officials, interest groups, and other stakeholders on how to overcome remaining barriers and move forward the adoption of wood energy for residential and commercial/institutional applications. This is a unique opportunity – don’t miss out!
Thanks to the support of the forum’s sponsors, the registration cost is $45 per participant. Registration includes a great program, continental breakfast, lunch, and meeting materials. In addition, the event is approved for 4.5 CFE Category 1 Continuing Education Credits from the Society of American Foresters.
The meeting agenda and registration form is attached. This information along with sponsor information and information about the Maryland Wood Energy Coalition is available at www.agroecol.umd.edu. For questions or additional information, contact Nancy Nunn at (410) 827-6202, ext. 128 or [email protected] or Pam Thomas at 301-432-2767, ext. 315 or [email protected]
Maryland Wood Energy Coalition
Alliance for Green Heat
American Wood Fiber, Inc.
Association of Forest Industries
Cambridge Environmental Technologies, Inc.
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources - University of Maryland Extension &
MD Agriculture Experiment Station
Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
Maryland/Delaware Society of American Foresters
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service
Maryland Energy Administration
Maryland Forests Association
Maryland Forestry Board Foundation
The Pinchot Institute for Conservation
The University of Maryland Extension actively subscribes to a policy of equal employment opportunity and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.